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Revolutionizing Content: AI-Assisted Writing Services

Revolutionizing Content: AI-Assisted Writing Services

Nine months ago, we wrote: “If your business doesn’t rely on quality content, or if you lack the native-language skills to produce simple copy, an AI writing bot might be for you.”

How quickly things have changed.

If you’ve been keeping up with current affairs, you’ve probably heard of ChatGPT. Within three months, OpenAI’s AI chatbot software has shaken up the world, the fastest app to ever hit 100 million users, with clickbait headlines declaring over 300 million workers might soon be replaced.

Those currently most affected? Content creators. Overnight, many found their careers at jeopardy - and while few lamented content farms and the keyword-stuffed copy they produced, for most of us, anxiety crept in: would people continue to value engaging, informative content written entirely by humans?

Yes and no. After months of examining platforms (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing AI, DeepL), testing prompts and researching tools, we’ve come to a simple conclusion: you must use the tools at your disposal.

AI-assisted content has significant inherent value. Among other things, AI tools can help: 

  • Research: they can examine and cross-check subjects in mere seconds.

  • Proofread, fact-check and edit: at least for basic spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

  • Generate first drafts: they can produce logical articles, though they may lack creativity and require heavy revision.  

The bottom line is that AI tools can learn from what they see, but they cannot (yet) produce impactful, nuanced content. For the time being, at least, some of us humans are safe.

But like the dawn of the dictionary, the thesaurus, the word processor, the spelling & grammar checker - AI gives us another tool in our arsenal that drives productivity and accelerates efficiency. Essentially, that translates to fewer man-hours on our end, with the savings passed on to you, the client.

Starting today at Writers.HK, we're introducing a new service: AI-Assisted Copywriting & Content.

Our trained Hong Kong copywriting and content experts will utilize ChatGPT, Bard, DeepL, and other platforms that may emerge in the future, based on your request. These tools will not supplant the work we do, but rather assist as allies to deliver the most effective content possible. 

As Hong Kong's leading copywriting company, this is another step forward to ensure we're at the forefront of content innovation. To learn more, visit our Services page, and feel free to reach out to chat about AI-assisted content.

Note: this article wasn’t written by ChatGPT, but it was proofread and edited by the software.